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Students needing partnerships

The cost of sponsorship varies depending on your child's age, school and family situation:

  • English-Medium boarding school student = $125 per month (includes full room and board)

  • English-Medium day student = $60 per month (includes uniform, food, transport, supplies) 

  • Government School (Swahili only, Primary or Secondary day student) = $40 per month (includes uniform, supplies, family food support)

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Salim (seen with Aziza)

Salim is a 14-year old whose mother has died and who doesn't know who his father is. With such difficult circumstances, the Village Chairman took him into his home and is providing him with all the support he can afford. We've been asked to help in any way we can as Salim is responsible for all his brothers and sisters. He attends secondary school although has a 4 to 5 km walk to get there each day at the moment. Salim is at a perfect age to move to a private boarding school which would require a $100 a month sponsorship for this deserving young man.

(*English Medium Boarding School Student)



Joseph is 11 years old and is in Class 6 at Haradali Primary School. When his father died unexpectedly, his mother could no longer pay his school fees and asked Nakujali for help.

(*English Medium Boarding School  Student)       

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Gertruda & Gedwin

Gertruda and Gedwin are the twin sister and brother of  12-year old Zakayo.  They are the youngest in their family of five children who were abandoned by their father when the twins were born. Both Gertruda and Gedwin are attending Class Two and need individual sponsorship to continue their schooling.

(*Government Primary Day School  Students)  

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Nema is 9 years old and is in Class 2. She is doing very well in school and is number 2 in a class of 47. Her mother is both deaf and blind and they do not know who her father is. At the moment, Nema is staying with a kind person who lives in the village close to Msongola Primary as it is too far for her to travel home every day. The Headmistress at Msongola has recommended her to Nakujali. Her sponsorship would be $40 per month.

(Governent Day School Student)

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Munira is a 13-year old girl who lives with her parents. Unfortunately her father is unable to work so it's her mum who is the family breadwinner. Munira attends government secondary school and will complete Form One before heading into Form Two in January 2023. Her $40 monthly fee would cover her school supplies and food. A generous sponsor could make all the difference to this deserving young person.

(Government Secondary Day School Student)

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Kelvin is a 14-year old who is just recently orphaned. He has been identified by the headmistress of Msongola Primary School as a very deserving recipient of our help. He's a bright student who should be able to stay in school as long as possible. His situation, along with that of Hussan, has been identified as an emergency and our wonderful volunteer, Aziza, made a trip specially to deliver school supplies and assess his situation. Kelvin, like Salim, would benefit tremendously if he were able to transfer to a private boarding school at this stage of his education.                          

(*English Medium Boarding School Student)         



Radhia is 15 years old and has completed Form Two at boarding school. She is thriving which is such good news given the dire situation at home: Both her parents are HIV positive and are often ill, succumbing to infections exacerbated by lack of immunity and poor nutrition. Radhia is looking forward to completing two more years in order to graduate and we'd like to secure a sponsorship of $125 per month to guarantee that will happen.

(Medium Boarding School Student)

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Yassini is 16 years old and he is in class 7. He is number one in his class and is performing very well. But he is worried about going to Secondary School. He needs a sponsor. He livers with his mother and father, but they have nothing. In order to pay for his own primary schooling needs he has had to do odd jobs including making charcoal and whatever else he can do to pay for his own uniform and school supplies. Yassini's sponsorship would be $60 per month.

(Government Secondary School Student)

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Angel is in Class 2 and is 9 years old. She lives with her mother who is HIV Positive and who is unable to work due to a broken shoulder from a beating by Angel's father. He has run away and the mother is unable to afford any support for Angel's schooling so she has no school uniform and no school supplies. She is looking after her mother rather than going to school. Angel's sponsorship would be $40 per month.

(Government  Day School Student)

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Zakayo is 12 years old.  He is the second born in a family of five children. The eldest, a girl, has already had to leave school due to how difficult is to provide education under the circumstances. Zakayo has a younger sister who is disabled and then twins, a boy and a girl Gedwin and Getruda (also needing sponsors as per below).  Since the loss of their father, Zakayo’s mother has had to work extremely hard to look after her children’s most basic needs.  Zakayo has recently completed his primary schooling and is hoping to start the secondary education that will really change his life, and give him hope of a better future!  We are looking for sponsors willing to help Zakayo get the education he needs with a monthly donation to help pay for his school fees, food and lodging.

(*English Medium Boarding School  Student)  



Leila is the younger sister of Magdalena, one of our students who already has a sponsor. Leila is 11 years old and is completing Form 5 at Msongola Government School. The girls and their her elderly grandmother don't have a home of their own at present and must constantly find new places to sleep at night. Having no permanent housing poses challenges for basic survival and, as one might expect, these circumstances often affect Leila's performance at school. Having a sponsor will make a huge difference to the life of this bright young person!

(*Government school day student)


Sharmira - completing for 5, 11 years old (little girl)


Mwaiji- completing class 3 - 9 years old (little girl)

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